Life is Sacred

Life is Sacred

It’s time to recognize the importance of mental health. Your mental health and wellness are a priority. Not taking care of yourself and your mental health can create or add to problems in every area of life, including your relationships, your job, and most importantly, your personal development.Here

End the Silence

End the Silence

May 5th, is an opportunity to bring visibility and awareness to Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Relatives. The murder rates for Indigenous women are 10 times higher than the national average (U.S. Department of Justice). It’s time to end the silence and bring healing and justice to our com

Create Safe Spaces

Create Safe Spaces

Sexual Assault Awareness Month is a time to educate communities and individuals about sexual assault and how to prevent it. Sexual assault is any type of sexual activity or contact that you do not consent to. It may occur within an intimate relationship or at the hands of strangers or other family m

Reclaim Your Life Today!

Reclaim Your Life Today!

April is Alcohol Awareness Month. Substance use can be a slippery slope, especially for those facing other challenges, including mental health concerns or life stressors. Despite the temporary relief alcohol may seem to provide, increased use can have unhealthy or life-threatening consequences impac

Handle the Stress!

Handle the Stress!

Stress is a natural human response that prompts us to address challenges and threats in our lives. Affecting more than just your mind, stress can have an impact on a person’s health, whether physically, mentally, or emotionally, and often it is a combination of them all! Everyone experiences stress

Protect Our Children

Protect Our Children

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, a time for our Indigenous people to come together to create a safe and healthy environment for our future generations. It is also a time for building strong and supportive communities–essential for preventing child abuse and supporting victims and survivors.Chi

Get To Know Your Kidneys!

Get To Know Your Kidneys!

Did you know your kidneys filter all of your blood up to 25 times a day? It is important to learn how you can protect these two bean-shaped organs that work around the clock for you. Our kidneys work hard to keep our bodies on the right track, we need to do our part to know them and keep them health

Your Health Matters!

Your Health Matters!

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month!Colorectal cancer, or colon cancer, is a disease in the large intestine (colon) and rectum. While most colon cancers start as small, noncancerous clumps of cells called polyps, without treatment, they may turn cancerous.Because colon cancer is the second le

Nutrition is the Key!

Nutrition is the Key!

What is the first word you think of when you hear healthy? Most people would say it’s all about exercise, but when it comes down to it, the path to wellness starts at your plate! March is National Nutrition Month. It focuses on the importance of nutrition and health and helps educate individuals on

Brain Awareness Week

Brain Awareness Week

Dear Brain Awareness Week Participants,Happy Brain Awareness Week! The Dana Foundation wishes all event organizers great success with your activities and efforts on behalf of the campaign.Whether you’re holding your events online or in-person, be sure to take lots of photos, screenshots, and videos.

Keep Your Eyes Healthy

Keep Your Eyes Healthy

Going to the doctor and dentist are an important part of taking care of your health. Going to the eye doctor? Also important!Thousands of people in the United States are living with a visual impairment. Keeping up with our vision health is vital in reducing those numbers.Here are some ways to protec

Protect Tiny Teeth!

Protect Tiny Teeth!

It’s never too early to start caring for your children’s teeth! Good oral health is essential for overall well-being, so setting the foundation for a lifetime of healthy teeth is important.Protect tiny teeth by:Limiting the sugary foods, sticky foods, and foods that take a while to dissolve in your

A Love Like That

A Love Like That

“A love like that.” What is it? “That” is a healthy behavior one looks for, or longs for, in a relationship. And with February being Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, what better time to appreciate it?Raise awareness of healthy relationships within our Native communities. Violence within teen da

Empower Your Heart

Empower Your Heart

Your heart is one of the most important organs in your body. It provides it with all the nutrients and oxygen it needs to function! Taking care of our hearts is vital to living a long and healthy life. Here are steps you can take to support your heart health now, and years to come.Staying clear of f

Healthy Living

Healthy Living

It’s never too late to start creating healthy habits and goals in your life. Better yet – they don’t have to be hard or time consuming either! Remember that creating healthy habits is about the long run, and not just today. Be patient with yourself. We were given one body to live in, and it’s import